Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alec Baldwin Threatens 11 year-old Daughter

Original audio from

If you haven't heard it yet, Alec Baldwin--one of the biggest anti-Bush and environmental supporters in Hollywood--left a 2 minute, threatening voice mail on his daughters sell phone. Supposedly, everyday around 11:00, Alec's daughter is supposed to be sitting by her phone waiting for her daddies phone call, so they can talk about whatever celebrities talk about. Apparently, Alec's daughter missed a couple of phone calls, and Mr. Alec Baldwin just won't stand for that. How dare she stand up Alec Baldwin? Pathetic!

Our culture is celebrity driven. There are thousands of magazines, websites, and TV stations dedicated to the spreading of their filth. Journalists like Diane Sawyer and Barbra Walters have made their careers off interviewing celebrities--which include quires about their views on masturbation. Seventy percent of America gets their news from Entertainment Tonight. America is more worried about who's Anne Nicole's baby's daddy, than what is actually happened with the war in Iraq--which it might surprise you to know, the only way most people find out what is happening there is from a celebrity's mouth.

Is it any wonder that other countries find our culture to be stupid? You don't even have to look at our kids standardized tests scores--which are among the lowest in the world--to figure that one out.

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