Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Affleck Comments on Politics

The following is a transcript of Ben Affleck's response to a question Bill Maher asked him on his show. The question was "What did you think of the Democrats now caving in on this Iraq spending Bill, Mr. Affleck?"

His response (edited of course) :

These (bleep) people, you know what it is, Democrats, this is the (bleep) problem with them, because you know how much money I (bleep) give away? The Democrats live in fear of basically, you know, being called cowards, of looking soft on military, looking like (bleep) basically. We're afraid that somebody's going to call us a (bleep), that somebody is going to criticize us, and these people got elected basically on opposing the war, they got sent to Washington to oppose the war, they went there to make a vote on opposing the war. You're either going to vote for or against this measure that says you have to, if you want this money, you have to give us timelines to get out of Iraq. Are you going to be for this or against it? They were afraid that if they basically sent it back to the president and said, "No, we need the timelines," and they left for Memorial Day vacation, that when they left, they were afraid of being criticized. So rather, out of a fear of being criticized, they sacrificed their core political beliefs, and they wonder why people call them (bleep) weak.

Wow! Quite the articulate little scamp ain't he? This is why actors should stay OUT of politics. Unless it is written on a script or on a radical Left-wing website, even they can't make sense of their own convictions.

Fred Thompson "Testing the Waters"

Looks like Fred Thompson is going to throw his hat into the ring.

FRED THOMPSON IS RUNNING for the Republican presidential nomination. In a conference call Monday, Thompson addressed a group of more than 100 supporters and fundraisers whom the campaign has dubbed First Day Founders. He told them that he would be setting up an organization that will allow him to begin raising money and recruiting staff.

Good luck my friend.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Hillary Finally Comes Out!

No no, she's not coming out of the closet. She has finally come out and described her vision of our country.

Presidential hopeful Hillary Rodham Clinton outlined a broad economic vision Tuesday, saying it's time to replace an "on your own" society with one based on shared responsibility and prosperity.

The Democratic senator said what the Bush administration touts as an ownership society really is an "on your own" society that has widened the gap between rich and poor.

"I prefer a 'we're all in it together' society," she said. "I believe our government can once again work for all Americans. It can promote the great American tradition of opportunity for all and special privileges for none."

That means pairing growth with fairness, she said, to ensure that the middle-class succeeds in the global economy, not just corporate CEOs.

"There is no greater force for economic growth than free markets. But markets work best with rules that promote our values, protect our workers and give all people a chance to succeed," she said. "Fairness doesn't just happen. It requires the right government policies."

Hmm... This sounds familiar. I think its called... SOCIALISM. News flash Hillary, its been done. It's been tried, and it doesn't work. France got tired of it and elected a conservative as president. Why is it that libs hold countries like France, UK, and Spain in such high regard for their government structure, but fail to look at whether or not it actually works?

Cindy Sheehan Learns About the Left the Hard Way

Cindy Sheehan--in case you don't know--has been leader of many anti-war rallies and poster girl for the liberal Left due to the fact that she tragically lost her son in the Iraq war. Instead of honoring her son's service, she belittled his valor by leading protests that will bring the troops home from an unfinished job. Is there anything more demasculating than your mommy saying, "You can't do that job. Just quit?" But, I digress. Here is an excerpt from her blog:

The first conclusion is that I was the darling of the so-called left as long as I limited my protests to George Bush and the Republican Party. Of course, I was slandered and libeled by the right as a "tool" of the Democratic Party. This label was to marginalize me and my message. How could a woman have an original thought, or be working outside of our "two-party" system?

However, when I started to hold the Democratic Party to the same standards that I held the Republican Party, support for my cause started to erode and the "left" started labeling me with the same slurs that the right used. I guess no one paid attention to me when I said that the issue of peace and people dying for no reason is not a matter of "right or left", but "right and wrong."

I am deemed a radical because I believe that partisan politics should be left to the wayside when hundreds of thousands of people are dying for a war based on lies that is supported by Democrats and Republican alike. It amazes me that people who are sharp on the issues and can zero in like a laser beam on lies, misrepresentations, and political expediency when it comes to one party refuse to recognize it in their own party. Blind party loyalty is dangerous whatever side it occurs on. People of the world look on us Americans as jokes because we allow our political leaders so much murderous latitude and if we don’t find alternatives to this corrupt "two" party system our Representative Republic will die and be replaced with what we are rapidly descending into with nary a check or balance: a fascist corporate wasteland. I am demonized because I don’t see party affiliation or nationality when I look at a person, I see that person’s heart. If someone looks, dresses, acts, talks and votes like a Republican, then why do they deserve support just because he/she calls him/herself a Democrat?

I have also reached the conclusion that if I am doing what I am doing because I am an "attention whore" then I really need to be committed. I have invested everything I have into trying to bring peace with justice to a country that wants neither. If an individual wants both, then normally he/she is not willing to do more than walk in a protest march or sit behind his/her computer criticizing others. I have spent every available cent I got from the money a "grateful" country gave me when they killed my son and every penny that I have received in speaking or book fees since then. I have sacrificed a 29 year marriage and have traveled for extended periods of time away from Casey’s brother and sisters and my health has suffered and my hospital bills from last summer (when I almost died) are in collection because I have used all my energy trying to stop this country from slaughtering innocent human beings. I have been called every despicable name that small minds can think of and have had my life threatened many times.

While I don't believe in her politics, I feel her pain. She lost her son in Iraq, and it has to be the worst pain possible to bare; burying your child before they bury you. Instead of honoring his memory, she belittled his obvious love of his country by siding with the people on the far Left--people who would never dream of laying down their lives for this great nation. I pray that Ms. Sheehan will dedicate the rest of her life to the family she still has, and one day, realize that some sacrifices are required to life in a country as great as America.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Back From Vacation

Had a tiny weekend away from home, but I'm back now. Will start up posting again very soon.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

George Soros' Employee Detained in Iran

In case you don't know, George Soros is the billionaire at the middle of the radical Left movement in this country. Own websites such as and, George Soros uses his power, money, and influence to pull the hypothetical strings of the puppets on the liberal Left. He has set up an organization call George Soros' Open Society Institute which spreads his message of one-world government.

I just saw this on

Iran has detained an Iranian-American consultant working for George Soros' Open Society Institute, the latest U.S. citizen connected to a non-governmental organization to be seized in the country, the institute said Wednesday.

This play came so far out of "Left" field, I'm surprised Soros didn't see it coming. George Soros' websites have made it a mission to discredit an republican they can--especially Bush--and portray the war in Iraq as a radical Right-wing conspiracy.

We all know what the Left has been saying. These people are just misunderstood and we should get out of their country to allow them to govern themselves. I wonder if this seizure is just a misunderstanding...

Rush Lays It Out

I make no attempt to hide that I am a Rush Limbaugh fan (thanks dad). I was listening to his show today and he read the following. I almost fell out of my chair after hearing these numbers. Lucky for me, I am a 24/7 subscriber and I can post this transcript here for you:

This is from the website, and just listen to these numbers. The number of illegal aliens in the country according to this group is 20,807,645. The amount of money wired to Mexico since January of 2006 is $22,213,000,000. The cost of Social Security services for illegal aliens since 1996 -- are you listening? -- $397,450,739,563 dollars. That's how much we have spent on Social Security services for illegal aliens since 1996, and that spending has been mandated by the courts, and it's only going to go up.

I can tell you personally, the human can not grasp the concept of a billion. I know you might think you can, but you can't; don't care who you are. But not to worry, Rush comes through for us:

The next time you hear somebody use the word billion in a casual manner, keep these things in mind. A billion seconds ago it was 1959. A billion minutes ago, Jesus was alive. A billion hours ago, our ancestors were living in the Stone Age. A billion days ago, no one walked on the earth on two feet. A billion dollars ago was eight hours and 20 minutes at the rate our government spends money.

Nothing really to say, just wrap your head around those numbers and realize two things. You are getting screwed, and your government is doing the screwing.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Iran Plans Attack

You'd have to be an idiot, or just not paying attention, to not know that Iran was going to cause us trouble sooner or later. Well looks like they are going to be a problem sooner than we think.

Iran is secretly forging ties with al-Qaida elements and Sunni Arab militias in Iraq in preparation for a summer showdown with coalition forces intended to tip a wavering US Congress into voting for full military withdrawal, US officials say.

You know, these barbarians might be just that, but they know our politicians and our governmental process better than most Americans. And with the jello-spine democrats that we have as majority right now, militant Islam might get its way.


The Savior of the World!

Look at this picture. This a picture of Al Gore's office at his mansion. He has 3 computer screens (why?), plasma screen on the wall, and all that paper work. Think of how many trees had to be sacrificed for that stack? This is the prophet of global warming and the savior of the earth?

Monday, May 21, 2007

Immigration Bill Passes in the Senate

Edit: Apologizes, I kinda jumped the gun there. The vote today was to approve the start of the debate on the bill, so it hasn't actually left the senate yet. Carry on.

Welp, it happened, the senators in Washington no longer listen to their voters.

The Senate approved a wide-ranging overhaul of immigration laws Thursday, voting 62-36 to bolster security at the Mexican border and to grant many illegal immigrants a path toward citizenship.

American democracy is being flushed down the toilet. This bill was passed without proper appropriations, without budget analysis, and without even listening to the American people.

The only good thing to come out was that at least a majority of GOP members voted against the bill. Of the GOP representatives "23 backing it and 32 opposing. Among Democrats voting, 38 supported the bill and four did not. The chamber's independent Senator voted in favor." Not sure where its going to go from here. Pelosi has said she won't back it unless they have 70 republican votes.

This is insane. I don't care if it's a by-partisan compromise or not, its a bad deal. And the Democrats are trying hard to push this bill while Bush is in office, because it doesn't matter who wrote the bill. When it comes down to who to blame when this deal goes soar (and it will), Bush will be blamed for it. And if he signs this bill, this is what he will be known for. Forget his battle against militant Islam, he gave 15 million criminals amnesty and bankrupted our country.


Finally, They Stand Up To Rosie

Finally, FINALLY! Rosie is almost gone from the View, she starts running her mouth, all three women step in and try to teach Rosie a thing or two. When is she going to be gone?

This Year's Most Frivolous Lawsuit


Jean Gonzalez is suing Little League coach Leigh Bernstein, the New Springville Little League and Little League Baseball and Softball Inc. over an incident in which her son was seriously hurt sliding into second base.

The lawsuit alleges that the boy wasn't taught how to slide properly and that as a result he suffered "serious bodily injury" leaving "permanent scarring and disability." The league and parents have expressed shock and dismay at the litigation.

"I've been coaching for over 20 years, and have instructed players in the various skills required to play baseball, including sliding. Unfortunately, injuries happen. That's part of the game," said Bernstein.
Maybe DHS or Childcare services should step in and take the child away from the parent for allow him to play such a "dangerous" sport.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

McCain is Done.

If there is one thing that is certain to come from this bill is that McCain has lost his chance as a Republican President. McCain, at the latest presidential debate on Fox News, declared that he, unlike anyone else on that stage, had been consistent in his track record for voting. He has never flipped-flopped on any issue. I really don't care enough to research whether this is true or not, but one thing is clear, McCain's "voting record" is not a conservative voting record. He votes for spending; he's against the Iraq war; he wants Guantanamo Bay closed; now he want amnesty for millions of illegals, despite the strict opposition from his own party. He may be consistent, but he is consistently confused.

Now, he is getting in arguments with his own party, saying to Sen. John Cornyn: "F--- YOU! I know MORE about this than anyone else in the room!" Who is this guy? He doesn't push his parties agenda; he cusses at his fellow GOP members but works with Reid and Kennedy behind closed doors. Is he a plant from the democratic party? Would make a lot more sense.

Deep Look at the Immigration Bill

I took a day off yesterday to really soak up all the information I can on this immigration bill that is just now being written. I have heard so many people's opinions on this bill and while I am going to heavily comment on this bill, its not etched in stone. This thing can change at anytime. It might not even pass through the senate or the house.

Let's start with the obvious. This is an amnesty bill. Amnesty, by definition, means the forgiveness for breaking a law. A $5000 fine does not cover the charges that could be brought up against these illegals. Not only did they break the law by illegally crossing the border, but most have driver's licenses and filled taxes annually. The only way they could do those things is by having fake documents. If you or I decided to fake tax documents or social security cards, our asses would be in jail for 20+ years. Not these people, so no matter how you look at it, this is amnesty.

Once this bill went into effect, all illegals would have to do is step up and--let's start here--pay a $5000 fine. The average annual salary of an illegal immigrant is $12,000. We expect them to come up with half their annual salary? Than you also looking at the fact that the ACLU will probably step forward and sue to have this fine taken away, saying "Your taking money out of their families mouths." Or something like that.

After paying the fine, they have to either apply for a Z-visa or go home to apply for full citizenship. Let's start with the obvious, they are not going home, period. Most just want to work and don't care about citizenship. The Z-visa, from what I've heard, grants them temporary legal status. The provisions of this visa requires them to have a job and follow the law or they go home.

Okay, currently, we have laws in effect that if someone breaks the law and if during the process of booking them you find out that they are illegal, you are supposed to deport them now. Right now, you have cities that have said they will not turn over criminal illegals, so why would they with this new bill? And the job thing, as it stands, a lot of these illegals don't have steady jobs. They stand outside Home Depot waiting for work. Are they going to go home instantly? Do that, and they come right back across the border.

And about that, there are provisions in the bill requiring more border security. A 730 miles fence, more border control, and others. We have a bill that has already passed saying to put up a 800 mile fence on the Mexican border. We have built 2 miles. Why should we expect the new law to be followed.

Okay, let's say I'm a pessimist and everything works out. Border is secure, these 15 million become citizens along with their families, and become hard working Americans. We now have to pay for the children of these 15 million immigrants to go to school. We will need more schools and guess who gets to pay for that...

What about when they retire? Robert Rector, fellow from the Heritage Fountain, has researched the impact these immigrants will have on our economy. When 9 million of these people decide to retire, it will cost us $2.5 trillion. This will bankrupt our country.

And make no mistake, this will be the end of the GOP. Republicans, as a whole, do not want this bill. There are already a number of republicans who are displeased with their party because of the spending and that's how the democrats won the house and senate. If the republican congressman support this, that's it. Republicans will loose everything, because they are just flat out not listening to their voters. Add that with the fact that two out of three immigrants typically vote democratic, thanks to unions and peer pressure, the GOP is over.

But don't get your hopes up, this hasn't even been written on paper and it getting criticism from all sides of the political battlefield. Not just because of what it says, but because of how this was put together (behind closed doors, totally against procedure). I will be very surprised if this passes.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Terminating Personal Responsibility

Governor Schwarzenegger has come up with a plan to help insure the 6.5 million people in his state who do not have health coverage.

The plan, which Mr. Schwarzenegger estimated would cost $12 billion, calls for many employers that do not offer health insurance to contribute to a fund that would help pay for coverage of the working uninsured. It would also require doctors to pay 2 percent and hospitals 4 percent of their revenues to help cover higher reimbursements for those who treat patients

You read that right, doctors will have to pay 2 percent and hospitals 4 percent to help out people who don't have health coverage. What's next? Taxing teachers for new schools to be built? Taxing cops to help pay for the bullets in their guns? What ever happened to personal responsibility? Why don't these people have health insurance? Can they not afford it, or do they not want to sacrifice to have health coverage? By the way, 1 million of that number is estimated to be illegal immigrants. I thought Schwarzenegger was a Republican. If was a doctor... so long California.


The Worst Idea for Immigration Reform I've Heard Yet

Senators in Washington have finally come to an agreement on immigration reform. This is the basic idea:

The plan would allow illegal immigrants to come forward and obtain a "Z visa" and — after paying fees and a $5,000 fine — ultimately get on track for permanent residency, which could take between eight and 13 years. Heads of household would have to return to their home countries first. Source

Are you kidding me? You actually expect this to work? Let's break this apart.

Illegal immigrants that come forward have to first pay more than $5000 in fines. According to Texans for Immigrations Reform, the average illegal immigrant make $12,000 a year. So, they have to some how come up with half their annual salary... Oh, but it doesn't end there. Then, they have to quit their job and go home; go home... THEY HAVE TO GO HOME?!?! Didn't they come here because they didn't want to live in Mexico? And once they get home, they wait on the incredibly inefficient United States government to file paper work to get the immigrant legal status. Are you understanding now?

Many on the Right are calling this an amneisty program. Yeah, right. This is a joke. They will never come forward, and at that point, we are back at square one. This is almost laughable how pathetic this plan is... but than again, it was spear-headed by Edward Kennedy.

Pelosi Out of Control

After losing a string of embarrassing votes on the House floor because of procedural maneuvering, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has decided to change the current House Rules to completely shut down the floor to the minority.

Amazing right? Nothing against my female counter-parts (I love my ladies), but is this what female leadership is like? They don't get their way, so they drop to the floor and throw a fit? Is this what we can expect from Hillary?


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nutrition Group Sues Burger King

A non-profit (which in of itself is bogus, if you make no money, how can you afford litigation?) nutrition group is suing Burger King for using trans fat. Seems like you can sue for just about everything.

First of all, why is a "nutrition" group suing Burger King? In order to sue someone, I thought that someone has to effect you directly. So, why are people that strive for nutrition eating at Burger King? If they don't eat at Burger King, why are they suing? Preach about the dangers of trans fat and let the consumer decide where they want to eat; don't decide for them. Beside, isn't it possible that someone that eats at Burger King regularly might like the trans fat?

Second and most importantly, are these people so helpless, or do they think that people who dine at Burger King are so helpless that they need to sue a corporation to protect somebody? Who assigned this group to be the nutritional 'babysitters' of America?

What's next? PETA suing zoos for having locked up animals? Source

Because They Hate

I've said this before, in the aftermath of 9/11, Liberals (and now Ron Paul) believe we should sit down and think "Why do they hate us?" Well, I'm going to answer that question and prove that its not just us they hate.

I've documented several cases where Islamic fascists have killed in the name of Allah in several other countries. And now, Al-Qaeda has threatened France for voting in a conservative president.

So why? Why do they have so much hate? It's because we promote freedoms to people that contradict what Islam is based on. We--conservatives, they do not libs--promote freedom of religion, freedom of the individual, freedom of women and other races, but most of all, we are not afraid to fight those who oppress the freedoms of others.

"You said they don't hate Libs!" Correct, libs are weak. Libs go out of their way to try to appease these fascists. Why would they hate someone that is afraid of them? Libs are empowering this radical religion. Libs are working to bring our troops out of their land, Islamists are happy for this. Make no mistake though Libs, if you get rid of us conservatives, the Islamic militants will not go away. Libs promote feminism and gay marriage. You think Islamic fascists are going to let that slide? They are being nice to you for now because you are helping them, and when they no longer need your help, you will be in the sites of their AK's.

So why do they hate us? Because... now can we rid the world of these barbarians?

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Quite the Woman!

I was reading an article on from the Liberal Politics section and the columnist there was raving about a Hillary commercial she just saw. Saying things like "Holy cow!" and "I'm flabberghasted that a big-gun ad that powerful is being unleashed so early." This got me curious. What in the world was she talking about? She linked this video at the end and, I'm sorry, I died laughing.

In the commercial, it has her husband, Bill Clinton, singing her praises. Are you kidding me? This is the front runner for the Democratic party? This is her big gun, her husband? I thought she was a strong, independent woman. You feminists and women's rights folks should be "flabberghasted." This isn't an independent woman, this woman has been dinning off her husband's left-overs for years. I've posted this before, but its worth repeating:

Hillary speaks out for children's rights; saying that children, baring any mental disabilities, should be able to make their own decisions in life without be held down by their parents, yet when her daughter, Chelsea, wanted to get her ears pierced, mommy said no.

Hillary is in heavy favor of teachers unions and public schools, but sent her own daughter to a private school while Bill was in office.

Two weeks after Bill Clinton became state attorney general of Arkansas, the "self-made, can stand on her own two feet" Hillary got a job at a prestigious law firm in Little Rocks. Two years later, when Bill became governor, she made partner. Way to stick it to the man, you go girl!

So, is this the future leader of our nation? Can we expect for Hillary to seduce interns? Or is this just Bill Clinton's attempt at 8 more years in the presidential office?

Completely Oblivious Liberals

I'm making a long list of single words that describe Liberals, and I just found another! Liberals have got to be the most oblivious group of politicians in Washington. Example: Gun Control. No matter how many facts you give them proving that gun laws, when tried, only raise crime and/or murder rates, Liberals will just look at you and say "Gun are bad, m'kay." Taxes are another.

I'm going to spell this out first. Tax cuts work! Raising taxes does nothing but hurt our economy (which some might argue that that's what Liberals want), and here is how. Raising taxes always hurts the rich. Liberals wouldn't have it any other way. So any money the rich make, goes mostly to taxes. Tax cuts come in and they have all this extra money. Now rich people are rich for a reason, they are smart with their money, so they take all this extra money and invest it! Investing into American corporations which increases jobs (which our country has a 95.5% employment rating right now) and causes us to grow. But, don't worry, they still have to pay taxes on dividends. Our government just took in a record amount of tax money. So, taxes are cut so the rich have more money to invest, jobs are created getting more people off welfare, and the government STILL gets their money. IT WORKS! I love things that work.

But, Liberals won't be fooled so easily. Obama is already talking about raising taxes. I just don't understand these people. You give them the facts and they turn their nose up to it and continue pushing their failed programs. Oblivious or insanity?

Monday, May 14, 2007

Cooking the Books to Support Cooking of the World

I have never been one to talk too much about the Global Warming hysteria that is sweeping across our nation (at least not here on my blog). Normally, I am a person who just LOVES to debate. I try to informed on most topics that interest me just in case I run into that person on the street that wants to "throw down." But Global Warming nuts, well they just don't offer any sort of a challenge to me. The science is not there. You can not scientifically back up man-made global warming, you just can't. So debating this topic is much like trying to debate 2 + 2 = 5. No matter how much you scream it, its just never going to be true.

But never the less, my dad sent me this article. To paraphrase, it basically talks about how scientists and Al Gore (never lump him in with the scientist category), in the early stages of this hysteria, were "cooking the books" in order to promote this hair-brained theory.

Like I said, this topic is getting too easy. Kinda like Liberalism.

Al-Qaida Threatens U.S.

In case you haven't heard, three U.S. troops have gone missing after a fire fight in Iraq last week. After a restless search for the missing soldiers, we find out where they are.

Today, Al-Qaida "front group that claims it has captured American soldiers warned the United States on Monday to stop searching for them... 'What you are doing in searching for your soldiers will lead to nothing but exhaustion and headaches. Your soldiers are in our hands. If you want their safety, do not look for them,' the Islamic State of Iraq said on a militant Web site." There you go. Straight from the horses mouth.

Now, two points. First, this proofs that Al-Qaida exists and this is a blatant threat to us and our troops. Remember the last time Al-Qaida abducted troops? We found them several days later mutilated beyond recognition, in the middle of the road, with a bomb between their legs, dead. The search for these three patriots can not be called off, because, chances are, they are dead already.

Second: Hasn't the Liberal media been saying that Al-Qaida isn't in Iraq? Open mouth, insert foot?

More Islamic Violence in Thailand

Pattani, Thailand - Separatist insurgents on Monday shot dead a Thai-Buddhist couple working as fruit pickers in the majority-Muslim area of Bannang Sata, Yala provine and injured their three-year-old daughter, police said.

All of this happened in front of the 3-year-old girl. I don't care how old you are, something like that will remain implanted in the back of your mind for the rest of your life.

Funny, I don't hear the Liberal media talking about this anywhere. When are you going to wake up America? When are you going to realize the threat that Islamic fascists impose on our world? They already killed 3000+ Americans on 9/11. They already constantly launch attacks on our allies (Israel). They already continually kill their own people. What's it going to take? These are not people who need "understanding," we don't need to sit around and ask ourselves "Why do they hate us." We need to first realize that they hate us! And second, that they want to kill us! To hell with "why!"


Saturday, May 12, 2007

And Their Off!

Are these two entities in a race to be the most hated?

President Bush's Approval Rating: 34.4%
Democratic Congress Approval Rating: 37.5%

The President's approval rating has been low for a while. Congress has only been in office for 5 months and they are closing in the gap. I guess the Democrats will be damned before the President shows them up on anything.

Keep up dated on this monumental race here.

Interesting/Thought Provoking Facts

America's oil consumption and demand has gone up roughly one percent a year since 1976. Ironically, this is the same year that the last oil refinery was built.

Kind of interesting. We are a country who's entire economy would fall if we stopped receiving oil, yet we have not build a new oil refinery in 31 years. Oil companies like to blame this on environmental groups. This might be true a certain extent, but appeasement of these groups should be low, low, LOW on the list of our government's and oil companies' priorities.

We need to become energy dependent and we need to tell these environmentalist groups to either become part of the solution or back off.

Free Speech or CBS Under Fire?

Everyone in the entertainment industry knows, radio is the last outlet for free speech. Every other outlet of media has been under scrutiny for saying or doing something offensive, but CBS seems to just enjoy caving into political correctness and for firing people who someone might find offensive.

Everyone knows about the Imus situation. Imus was fired from his CBS funded morning show for calling the Rutger's female basketball team "nappy headed hoes." But, it doesn't stop there. Friday, CBS fired two radio shock jocks for making a prank phone call to a Chinese restaurant and pocked fun at Asian stereotypes (read the full article here, but let me say this. One of this jock's wife is Asian).

Now CBS is in another situation, and if they are consistent they will fire two more radio jocks. XM Radio's shock jocks Opie and Anthony are caught up in a controversy after having a guest on their show who repeatedly talked about raped and beating Condoleezza Rice and Laura Bush.

Is all this the result of talk radio and other radio shows under fire for abusing free speech, is this CBS caving into the pressure of the PC cops, or is CBS trying to gain publicity from all these controversies? I would be inclined to lean toward the first option, but since all this has happened to people on the CBS payroll, I think its too early to say.

Oxycontin Scandal

Oxycontin, in case you didn't know, is a very strong--yet effective--pain killer. This is a drug that is strict limited by prescription, but was widely prescribed due to it's effectiveness. As of Friday, "Purdue Pharma L.P., its president, top lawyer and former chief medical officer [have been ordered to] pay $634.5 million in fines for claiming the drug was less addictive and less subject to abuse than other pain medications." None of these men will see an ounce of jail time.

Many believe they should receive jail time, comparing them to typical street side dealers. This is not a just representation, no jail time for these gentlemen is needed because their drug--from what I heard--did work and all drugs--over the counter or prescription--have side effects of some type. But this $634.5 million dollar fine isn't nearly punishment enough for this $10 billion company. Personally, this company should be charged to pay for any individuals suffering from this drug, which they undoubtedly will once all the trial lawyers get to working.

One final point though. I make no attempt to hide the fact that I'm a Rush Limbaugh fan. I'm actually a 24/7 insider and highly enjoy all I get from the service. In the mid 90's, Mr. Limbaugh came out on his radio show saying he was addicted to pain killers. What pain killer? Oxycontin. Is this an excuse? Maybe, maybe not, but it does prove that he is merely a man. A opinionated man with a big mouth? Yep, but a man nonetheless.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Tony Blair Steps Down

In a shocking move (not sure how shocking, I am, after all, not British), Tony Blair has decided to step down as Prime Minister of the Labour Party in the UK. I don't know the full story. I don't know what his approval rating in UK was (it has to be higher than Bush's). I don't know what pressure he is receiving from his people and constituents. I don't know what he personal life is like. His stepping down could be justified, but since I haven't heard any of these, I'll go with my gut feeling.

I respect Tony Blair. If he is being forced to step down because of his involvement with the Iraq War, I feel more sorry for him than I probably should, but, I have to say, I am glad he is not the leader of my country.

Look at how Tony Blair handled the 6 sailors that were captured by Iran situation. They had the proof that they were no where near Iranian waters. This was an act of war! But, what does Blair do? He asks them to play fair. He could have rallied the world behind him, mounted up the forces, taken his troops back, and horse whipped it's leaders in shape. But instead, he goes to the UN and plays that BS game. Spineless, to say the least.

The leader of any country has to be one that, when faced with pressure of foreign governments or his own people, needs to stand up to his critics and remind them what's at stake. The UK isn't alien to terror attacks. They have had their own attacks, people have died, and they know what's at stake in Iraq. At least they used to know. Just like our country now, the Liberal media and others opposed to the war are now fueling the public with tails of lose and death from Iraq. Stand up for what you know is right, not for what the media or your critics, the people who don't want you in office anyway, thinks you should be doing.

I'm happy we have a leader willing to saddle up and ride that horse to the end. I'm happy he isn't playing nice with the Democratic congress (who has an approval rating matching the Presidents). I'm glad that this man wants to fight these monsters and bring an era of peace back to this world.

On a final note, Tony Blair, I am happy you stood by us as long as you did, but if you are tired of this war you did the right thing. I guess it is just time for someone else to take the reins. Let's just hope you didn't step down so a Liberal socialist could take over and botch everything up.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Obama Pulls a Bush?

Barack Obama, caught up in the fervor of a campaign speech Tuesday, drastically overstated the Kansas tornadoes death toll, saying 10,000 had died. The death toll was 12.
Two things about this I want to point out. First, Obama got and/or said this information from some where. Is trying he trying to put this on the same scale as Hurricane Katrina so that it will have equal importance when Bush is blamed for this natural disaster? Or is he just ill-informed?

Second, I have not heard anything about this on the major news stations. Every time Bush says anything that doesn't make sense or displays the smallest appearance of being tongue tied, his intelligence comes into question. But when Obama, the Liberal golden boy, makes a mistake, the media shrugs it off or doesn't even mention it. Whatever happen to the by-partisanship of the media?


Illegal Immigration Video

This is a great video showing the numbers of growth when it comes to illegal immigration. It really puts this into perspective of what our population will look like if we don't control this problem.

Again Democrats = Childish

There are so many things I can say about this article, but I find myself speechless. You have to be blind not to see how bitter and whiny the Left is. So all I'm going to do is just post the article.

Pelosi Threat to Sue Bush Over Iraq Bill

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Obama's Political Tactics?

One of the key points I have brought up against all of the Democratic presidential candidates is that most of them don't nearly have the political credentials of their Republican counter-parts. This isn't more evident in any of the Left contenders as in Barak Obama. This guy hasn't been a senator for more than 3 years and he is already thinking he can carry the Democratic ticket. The worst part about this candidate is based on his lack of experience, you don't know what type of president he will be. Well, I think we found out.

In this Wall Street Journal article Barak Obama "called a government-industry bargain: Auto makers would get some federal assistance for their crippling retiree health-care costs, in return for producing more fuel-saving hybrid vehicles."

So, is he going to use government money to persuade corporations to fill his agenda? It's bad enough he is towing the environmental line, but he is resorting to blackmail? Pathetic.

Global Warming the Religion

Despite what anyone says, Global Warming has become a religion. It has all the characteristics of a religion. Its meant to save people; sets standards for how we live; gives us a way out of our sinful (in this case polluting) nature; most of all, it has a profit at the center, Al Gore.

I have posted enough here for today, but I really wanted to bring up this point: Separation of Church and State.

If we are supposed to separate God out of the equation when making any decision for our country, why is Global Warming--a religion--such a hot topic for the Democratic party? Hypocritical, ignorant or the beginning of a new age religious movement? You be the judge. I'm going with ignorant.

UK Schools Are Forced to Diversify

In an article by, schools in the UK--private and public--are now being forced to "promote race relations or close." Christian, Jewish, and even Muslim schools are being instructed to create relations with each other in order for the children to understand one another.

Sounds good right? So why do I post this? Because the pressure of the situation is not being put on the Muslim schools (because their aren't any), the pressure is being put on private Christian schools. The government is now stepping in and telling these private schools, that receive no money from the government, are being told to open their curriculum to Muslim subjects in order to diversify, and if they decide not to, the government will shut them down.

Where is the since in all this? Why does a private Christian school--private means you have to pay a lot of money to put your kids in that school and you only send your child there by choice--have to accommodate for anyone at all? It is a private school before it is a Christian school. If you don't want your kids to be taught in a Christian environment, don't pay the extra money to send your kids there. This is just another way the socialists and the liberals are trying to make good with the Islamic Fascists in the middle east. Do enough good deeds and they may not kill you. I have never seen a more cowardly group of people in my life.


Socialist Call for Riots in France After Defeat

Is this a few a the future for the American election in '08? Female, socialist candidate was defeated by a male, conservative candidate in the French presidential election on May 6. After being defeated, the socialist opponents called for riots in the streets over the voter outcome.

This is unbelievable. Now we can add childish to the list of descriptive words for Democrats, because, in case you didn't know, Liberals want a socialist government in America, they just have a different name for it.


American Progress Held Back By Environmentalist's

I have become more and more disillusioned by the environmentalist movement every time I open my eyes to get out of bed in the morning. Every time I turn around, these apocalyptic morons are not only using scare tactics to govern how we live, but holding the progress of our great nation back by suggesting inefficient tactics to save the environment.

Take this article in the Wall Street Journal. Kris Hudson and Rebecca Smith wrote that Wal-mart has decided to go green. Installing solar panels on 22 stores in California and Hawaii. Environmentalist love when corporations use solar panels. Sure because it's a safe source of energy, but for another reason. The cost of these solar panels outweighs the money that it saves in energy, thus crippling corporations that use them. Just ask yourself, if solar panels are so effective, why don't environmentalist groups use them on their headquarters. Why don't Hollywood environmentalist's use them on their houses? Thankfully, Wal-mart has decided to test the theory before going national.

But how does this hinder progress? Because first of all, crippling companies that waste money on energy efficient fairy tales will not grow, thus no new jobs, products, ect. But that's not the biggest way they stomp on American progress. Nuclear power is proven to be a clean/renewable energy source. France is almost completely nuclear and they have so much left over energy, they are selling it to other countries. But, environmental movements have protested the research of nuclear power in the US because it's not natural.

Now come on, we use natural energy and we are either wasting money (solar), killing birds (wind), or killing the environment (oil). We try to find a renewable and clean power source and it's not natural enough. Can you people be pleased at all?

And no, nuclear power is not dangerous. Not one person has ever died from nuclear power in the United States. And don't forget that while China and other countries continue to drill for oil in our waters (yes, China is drilling for oil in the Gulf of Mexico), our country is beginning to fall behind other industrial countries because we continue to tailor our ways to these anti-America environmentalist groups.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

France Elects Conservative President

In one of the most surprising moves I have ever witnessed, France elected Conservative Nicolas Sarkozy as President of France. Having one of the biggest voter turn outs in the last 40 years, soon-to-be President Sarkozy won with a 53% majority.

Soon-to-be President Sarkozy has vowed to change France's 35 hour work week, change immigration policies, and reopen friendly relations with the US. Let's all hope that this is a President that will stand up with America and Britain in the fight against terror. Or that he will at least stay true to his word and bring France out of it's socialist state.


Can You Say Oxymoron?

Through my study and readings on the Democratic party, I have come across one of the most mind numbing concepts to hit me and my involvement in politics. Its a term known as the Conservative Democrat.

Here is a blog of one such individual with this mission statement:

The purpose of this site is to give a voice to long overlooked mainstream Democrats. For too long, the views of Democrats who are populist on economic issues and traditionalist on social issues have been ignored by the Democratic Party. Our goal is to rebuild the moderate-conservative wing of the Democratic Party and create a new Democratic majority based on concern for working families, common sense and mainstream values.

I'm currently reading Bernard Goldberg's "Crazies to the Left; Wimps to the Right," and in the first chapter of his book, he talks about his upbringing. Long story short, he grew up a steadfast Liberal Democrat and, through his experiences in college, CBS (where he worked), and general life, he converted to conservatism.

What I'm not understanding is this. The principals he described as a Liberal were, ironically, also conservative view points. His main concern was that he thought conservatives were racist. Conservatives, mainly those in the south, did not want the Civil Rights Act to pass (History lesson. Senator Robert Byrd, long time Liberal Democrat representative of West Virginia, voted against the Civil Rights Act, saying, "[I would] never submit to a fight beneath that banner [the American flag] with a Negro by my side."). Later, Mr. Goldberg changed his ways when he saw how CBS reported news with a Liberal slur and after the Liberal bashing of troops in Vietnam (Can you say Deja Vu?).

While I have no problem with the Democratic party having a conservative side, it makes me wonder how these individuals would vote. Would they vote based on their personal convictions, or would they vote based on their loyalty to their political party?

Those that vote based on their personal convictions, I applaud you. I wish the Democratic party had a Conservative candidate or two. It would make voting a little more interesting.

For those of you voting based on your loyalty, let's talk. The Democratic party is no longer the party of JFK or Thomas Jefferson. That Democratic party is gone. The Democratic party of today is one build by George Soros and the Radical Left. A vote for the Democratic party is not a vote for freedom, but one of socialism.

I don't want to tell you how to vote, just this. Politicians can change their principles, and you can't stop them. But you don't have sacrifice your principles to keep them in office.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Times 100 Most Influential People

This past issue of the Times has featured the world's 100 most influential people in the world. On the list are some people who are actually large influences in the world, in both negative and positive way. Let me say, I don't care at all who the Times believes is influential or not. The Times is a left leaning magazine for people who look up to Fidel Castro, a man who kills is own people for thinking differently. But this year, things are a little out of hand and down right sick.

Let's start out by saying who wasn't on the list. Our president, George W. Bush, failed to make it on the list of most influential people. It doesn't bother me that he wasn't, except for the fact that Barak Obama and Hillary Clinton were on the list. Two people who's political experience can be put on the back of their business card made the list, but the leader of the free world didn't.

Oh but it doesn't stop there. George Clooney, a man whom I haven't since the turn of the year, made the list. Rose O' Donnell, a woman who professes her hate for Bush, the troops, and thinks that 9/11 was a government hoax, made the list. Heidi Klum, the model turned cocaine addict, made the list. What a great bunch of influential people for our children to look up to.

Let's name a few who didn't make the list. Sean Hannity, an individual with a national TV show and a syndicated radio show on more than 500 stations, didn't make the list. Rush Limbaugh (do I need to describe him) didn't make the list. That's just a few.

That's not the most appalling part. Osama Bin Laden made this list. This is just flat out sick. The leader of a terrorist organization who lead an attack on America that resulted in the death of more than 3000 citizens gets mentioned in this magazine.

Is this unbelievable or am I loosing my mind? I have heard of Bush hating, but ranking a man that is responsible for countless deaths above a man that is working to rid the world of this murdering bastard is simply absurd.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Democratic Sell Out

Sell out can know be added to the long list of negative traits for Democrats. In case you haven't heard, George Tenet--former head of the CIA--is selling out President Bush in order to sell books. According to MSNBC,, "[d]irector George Tenet’s new book reveals sobering details of how the United States went to war with Iraq based on faulty intelligence and political opportunism."

To understand the travesty of this, let's back-track and examine who George Tenet is and what he did.

George Tenet was head of the CIA. For those of you who don't know, the CIA is our foreign intelligence branch of our government. The CIA's job is to spy, gather intel on other countries in order to keep us safe. Which means, the "faulty intelligence" President Bush used as a basis for going to war in Iraq was present to him by (you could see where I was going with this a mile away couldn't you) George Tenet.

Oh it gets better. Guess who appointed George Tenet the job. Bill Clinton.

Bush has made many mistakes in office. His major mistake, trust. He trusted the attorneys of the Clinton Administration and allowed them to keep their job. Seven of the get fired and you have this Alberto Gonzales controversy. Now, you have an appointee of Clinton who gave the President faulty information, which our President used to start war. Now that same appointee is going to write a book about the President trusted him with the faulty information he gave.

Is anyone else just dumb-founded by this?