Monday, April 30, 2007

John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) Calls for Impeachment

Democratic congressman John P. Murtha is using a word we are all familiar with: Impeachment.

Rep. John P. Murtha (D-Pa.) said Sunday that Democrats in Congress could consider impeachment as a way to pressure President Bush on his handling of the war in Iraq.

“What I’m saying, there’s four ways to influence a president. And one of them’s impeachment,” Murtha, chairman of the House Appropriations defense subcommittee, said on CBS’ Face the Nation.

Amazing isn't it. The Democratic congress has done nothing since taking office accept attempt to raise our taxes and undermine our troops. Now, they are attempting to weaken our country even more by impeaching the our president. The same president that wants to fight terrorists, bring freedom to Iraq, and protect our country.

Mistakes were made in Iraq. For instance, our country shouldn't have waited on the UN. After presenting our case to the UN, they decided to takes months debating and putting together mandates for Sadam that he never followed. When the UN finally decided to send inspectors, Sadam wouldn't let them look every where they needed and he eventually kicked them out. During these months of debates and typical UN 'BS', Sadam had plenty of time to dismantle and hide his weapons.

Do Democrats call for impeachment of the inefficent UN officals? No, they call for the impeachment of the one person who is willing to fight these terriorists and protect our country. Traitors to our country. All of them.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

Goldberg's New Book. Can It Expose Hillary?

Bernard Goldberg--author of Bias and 100 People Who Are Screwing Up America--has written a new book in which he slams Hillary Clinton and calls her out on her blatant hypocrisy. This is nothing new, I think. Many people know about the hypocrisy she leads in her live. It astounds me to think that anyone would vote for such a two-faced shrew.

If you don't know anything about Mrs. Bill Clinton's long list of hypocritical behavior, let me help you out by naming a few:

Hillary speaks out for children's rights; saying that children, baring any mental disabilities, should be able to make their own decisions in life without be held down by their parents, yet when her daughter, Chelsea, wanted to get her ears pierced, mommy said no.

Hillary is in heavy favor of teachers unions and public schools, but sent her own daughter to a private school while Bill was in office.

Two weeks after Bill Clinton became state attorney general of Arkansas, the "self-made, can stand on her own two feet" Hillary got a job at a prestigious law firm in Little Rocks. Two years later, when Bill became governor, she made partner. Way to stick it to the man, you go girl!

I could continue, but I'll leave you with one word: Whitewater.

Even the French Hate the French!

In a word: Amazing! I knew I hated the French, but the French hating the French?

The French dislike themselves even more than the Americans dislike them, according to an opinion poll published on Friday.

The survey of six nations, carried out for the International Herald Tribune daily and France 24 TV station, said 44 percent of French people thought badly of themselves against 38 percent of U.S. respondents who had a negative view of the French.

I know Libs--one might call them some sort of an American--hate America. They might not come out and say it, but they do. They hate our economy, conservatives--which, based on the last presidential election, is half the country--, the pollution we create, the wars we wage, and the people we have 'wronged' in the past. All that combined, yes, they hate the US. But you'll never hear them say it in public.

I'm kinda surprised the French did it.


Islamists Take Their Hate Further

Islamists have killed again. I know, what your thinking. What's new, right? Terrorists who kill in the name of Allah are a dime a dozen where are troops are. This interesting--I say interesting not because I enjoy death--because this time, the deaths are not happening in Iraq, America, or even to American citizens. This is happening in Thailand!

Here's the story

Three men have been shot dead in Thailand's restive Muslim-majority south as the kingdom marks the third anniversary of a mosque massacre, police said.

A 45-year-old Muslim man was killed in a drive-by shooting and another 37-year-old Muslim man was shot by suspected Islamic rebels in an ambush in Narathiwat, one of three troubled provinces bordering Malaysia.

Now, this is tragic. No matter how you look at this, the deaths of those people require morning and the fact that I have to use their deaths to prove a point to you Libs sickens me. But, it must be done.

Liberals seem unable to grasp the fact that Islamists hate us, and want to kill us. Even after 9/11, when, before our very eyes, 13 Islamic fascists felt the need to fly planes into buildings and kill 2000+ of our citizens, the Liberals were telling us to ask ourselves, "Why do they hate us?" Well as you can see, not only do they hate and kill us, they also hate and kill Buddhists and the own brethren--the Muslim community.

So why do they hate everybody? I don't know. Maybe its because we have grown more as a country in 200 years than they have in 10 centuries. Maybe--more likely--we are of different religions.

There could be several reasons, but thats not the point. These Islamic fascists want us to submit or die. And the 'us' is no longer just tailored to the United States. 'Us' now means everyone that is not Islamic. You Libs need to wake up. You can not bargain with a religion that teaches it's children to kill in the name of a god. The war in Iraq and the war on terror MUST be won.

Friday, April 27, 2007

BlackAndRight Says It All!

An individual with the handle 'BlackAndRight' posted a video on about his views on the war. Words can't express what he said. Watch it yourself.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fighting an Enemy Abroad and at Home

In the wake of the 9/11, everyone knew that things were going to change. We had been attacked on our own soil, thousands of our citizens had died, and we were determined to take the fight to enemy. Thank God we had a commander-in-chief that was willing to do so. Little did we know that 6 years later, we would be fighting our enemies allies in our own legislative branch of government.

Today, they (Democrats) did it again. Source. Also on

Defying a fresh presidential veto threat, the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass legislation within days that requires the beginning of a U.S. troop withdrawal from Iraq by Oct. 1 and sets a goal of a complete pullout by April 1, 2008, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday.

Amazing isn't it? Our Democratic Congress (I say 'our' because they do represent me as much as I hate to say it), despite the threat that Bush WILL veto this bill, went ahead and did it anyway. Either they are just completely stupid or they are intentionally trying to delay funding to the troops. If they are stupid, they shouldn't hold office; if they are delaying funds, they are--say it with me--traitors.

Now, I know what you Libs are thinking, "Bush doesn't have to veto. If he signs off on it, the troops get their money. It's Bush's fault."

Let me explain something to you. The Democrats are calling shots that are not theirs to call. You say they are putting in a pull out date because they care about the troops. Who cares. It's not their job to command this war. Its the job of the commander-in-chief or his generals. If they want to end the war, defund it! They can do that, but they won't. If this doesn't convince you that the Democrats are power hungry, you are just plain blind.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A Taste of Universal Health Care

This is rich. Full article.

Cleaners at an NHS hospital with a poor record on superbugs have been told to turn over dirty sheets instead of using fresh ones between patients to save money.

Housekeeping staff at Good Hope Hospital in Sutton Coldfield, have been asked to re-use sheets and pillowcases wherever possible to cut a £500,000 laundry bill.

Posters in the hospital's linen cupboards and on doors into the A&E department remind workers that each item costs 0.275 pence to wash.

Is this what you Universal Health Care pushers are wanting? A health care system that can't afford to clean sheets?

It's amazing how little Americans know about health care in other countries. Citizens think that if health care becomes government run everything will remain the same, except it will be free. What America doesn't realize is our health is so great because the government doesn't run it!

Look at the post office, look at our public schools, look at government health care now (medicare and medicade which experts think will be bankrupt by 2020), look at social security (bankrupt by 2075). Every time our government touches something, they make it worse and it will happen if Hillary gets her way. Just like when her husband gave more power to the Department of Education.

Just ask any Canadian, "What happens when one of your citizens gets cancer?" The reply? "They go to the US for treatment."

Rosie Leaves The View

I have to be honest with you. I really don't care. I have never liked Rosie O'Donnell and probably never will. She's a loud mouth Liberal who view her own opinion as the only opinion that can ever exist. In the year that she was on The View, she brought nothing to the show aside from her own Liberal views and proceeded to chew up and spit out any of the girls that disagreed with her--and not by debating the subject, but by not allowing the opposition to talk.

There are many speculations for why Rosie isn't coming back. I think Barbara Walters is tired of either having to clean up after Rosie, or is jealous that Rosie is stealing the spot light on, what's supposed to be, her show.

At any rate, good ridden.

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed confesses to 9/11

I know this is old news, but I have to put it up here.

New transcripts released by the Pentagon show that the man considered to be the chief mastermind behind the Sept. 11 attacks, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, has admitted he is responsible for the terrorist attacks from “a to z”.

Mohammed has also acknowledged being responsible for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, as well as other attempted terrorist attacks around the world in the years since.

The confessions come from a transcript of a hearing held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Saturday in which the Al Qaeda terrorist also acknowledged a plot to assassinate Bill Clinton while the former president was visiting the Philippines in 1994. The transcripts also show Mohammed admitted to plotting the October 2002 terrorist attack in Bali, Indonesia.

The admissions came during what was the first military hearing for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and 13 other major detainees since they were transferred last September from a secret CIA prison overseas into military custody at Guantanamo Bay.

He went before what is known as a Combatant Status Review Tribunal, the first step toward a possible war crimes trial.

Mohammed was captured in Pakistan four years ago.

Take that you moronic conspiracy theorist.

Source: Fox News, CNN

Army Ranger's Plea

I enjoy listening to the Neal Boortz show. He may be insensitive, but he is honest and that's a lot more than you can say for some Liberals.

On his show one day, he had an army ranger, who was on leave from Iraq, call Neal's show and poured out his heart. I can't describe his testimony, but I have to be honest, I almost cried.

Have a listen

PS: There is a little advertisement from a website on the scream client. Let it play, sit tight and Vicks testimony is next.

PBS Caves In to Islamic Fear

"Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center" highlights the work of moderate Muslims who oppose the Islamist agenda and are willing to speak out. PBS officials decided against airing the film, which PBS's Robert MacNeil told the Diane Rehm Show earlier this month was "one-sided" and "alarmist."

Full article

You read that right. PBS is too scared to show a documentary in which Muslims, who live in America, speak out against Islamic Fasicist that want to set up Islamic "side laws" in America.

To give you an example of this "side law", cab drivers in New York City are required to pick up anyone that wants a ride from the airport (can't be racists or w/e). Islamic cab drivers--and there are a lot of them--want a special law in place that will allow them to "decline service" to anyone carrying alcohol.

The best part of all this is PBC's statement of "one-sided." This is the same station that is about to broadcast a documentary by Bill Moyers saying that Conservative stars like Hannity, Limbaugh, and O'Rilley are slime. Is PBS showing a hint of Liberism?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Democrats Ignore Constitution as well as the President

I've said before that the Democrats--namely the Democratic congress that is in effect right now--are traitors. There is no way of getting around it, they are traitors to this country every time they undermine the authority of the President. Finding examples of this is everywhere. Just look at what surfaced today.

Rep. Jack Murtha, D-Pa. was being interviewed on a cable news show, when asked to respond to Bush saying that Congress "shouldn't be micromanaging the war" this is what he had to say:

That's our job. It's time for [Bush] to get a redeployment plan. If he doesn't do that, we're going to have the disaster he predicts. ... I think the surge has failed.

Let me put this as plainly as possible, NO IT ISN'T! According to Article II, section 2 of our constitution--remember that document Democrats--it says:

The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States[.]

Are you starting to get it now? Not only are the Democrats blatantly disregarding the wishes of the Commander in Chief to fund the war, they also are disregarding the constitution. Who do these people think they are? I've already stated who I think they are.

Let's not forget though, the Democrats can stop all of this. Democrats have the power to defund the war. They can end it! But they won't. Why? Because defunding the troops, no matter how much you believe in the cause of ending this war, is bad 'PR'. The Democrats aren't a party of principle. They have no principles. The only reason they want to end this war is because there is a large number of people out there, that they think, are tired of this war--it can be argued they are tired of seeing us lose, which is all the liberal media will show them. The Democrats are doing this to buy votes, and outright denying funds to the armed forces might lose them some of those votes. Absolutely sickening.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hillary Against School Voucher System

There is a problem with education in this country. Our kids tests scores are among the lowest in the world. Kids are trapped in failing schools, with no way of getting out. Who do we have to thank for this? Well, better write two letters; one to the Democrats and one to the Teachers Unions. These two groups are the reason why kids are failing.

Democrats have pushed for schools not to hold and/or fail kids anymore. Forget about the fact that the kid doesn't understand any of the material that he is supposed to know before he passes to the next grade, if you hold him back, it will hurt his self-esteem.

Parents have been pushing for vouchers for their students. With these vouchers, the parents and the students can decide what school that their child will attend. Teachers Unions have fought this for years because this will cause competition between teachers. How is this bad? Competing teachers will weed out the bad teachers and you'll nothing but good teachers left, not to mention teachers will have to come up with more interesting and intuitive ways of teaching. Teachers Unions don't want competition because it will cause teachers to do their job. HOW HORRIBLE!

Let me help you out Mrs. Clinton. First of all, you said these vouchers are taxpayer dollars. What part of giving taxpayer money to taxpayers do you not like? Aren't you the person that is pushing for universal health care and welfare for those "less fortunate." If you are a person that stands behind her principles, you should have no problem with giving away that money.

Second, how about we make a list of schools that people can send their child too. As long as the school of jihad and white supremacy pass the state standard curriculum, they get on the list and the parents can do what they want!

That is part of the problem people. Democrats don't want you to make your on decisions. They want you to rely on them for your problems. And when the government is the only one that can solve all your problems, you are no longer free.

Accusing Bush of an Agenda

Let's get away from religion and get back to Liberals. Unlike Liberals who have no drive to look into or debate opposing view points, I read Liberal writers and papers to find out what these people think. I came across one author, Deborah White, at that not only obscures the truth to point out conservative agendas that aren't there, she is blind to the fact that her own party has a much more clear agenda.

Here is a quote from her latest article at
After the panel discussion, I asked Dr. Korb if the whispers were true that in winter 2007-08, President Bush and Congressional Republicans plan to declare the "surge" a success and pull large numbers of U.S. troops out of Iraq... just in time to positively affect the 2008 presidential election.

His response? Absolutely! They may not declare success, but they will time withdrawal of some troops to impact the presidential race.

An amazing assumption, but is it just me or can she not see past her on Liberal agenda far enough to see her own party can be more easily accused of this?

The Democratic congress has be fighting tooth and nail with the President to get him to accept a bill with a pull out date for the troops. Why, I ask you, if the Democrats believe that it is their duty to bring troops home, do they put a date in for pull out in 2008?

WHY!?! Because if they do that, when the troops come home they can say, "We did that. We brought your sons and daughters home. Vote for me!" Bush hasn't said anything about an agenda to bring troops home in 2008 to buy votes--he hasn't said anything about bringing them home--, but the Democrats have, at least, said half of that statement.

Hillary and Barack have have blatantly changed their dialect when speaking to minor groups in order to buy their votes. Do you really think that they would not use something as huge as bringing troops home to their advantage? Give me a break...

Do Homosexuals Fear Christians?

I posted on what I think Christians think of homosexuals, but let's take a quick look at the other side. In the article GOD TO SAME-SEXERS: "HURRY UP!", the author brought up a very good point:

Gay activist John McKellar has stated: "The major media are all nonstop advertisements for the gay lifestyle, so how far are they prepared to go in denying free speech to Christians, Muslims, and Jews?

Schools and TV were once non-bias toward all subjects and showed all viewpoints. That is far from the case today. It's okay to push homosexual acceptance and push that evolutionism is a science--which its not. But say a prayer, read the Bible, or voice your believe in God and you are persecuted for your beliefs. Who do we have to thank? Political Correctness.

It's okay that somebody is offended by a prayer, but don't think of being offended by a public display of gay affection. Totally hypocritical to expect to be appeased when someone offends you, but when you offend someone, that person should quit hating and get over it.

Can you guess which political party pushed such a blatant, hypocritical agenda? Well let's just say its not the Republican or the Libertarian party.

Do God-Fearing People Fear Homosexuals?

On the last post I made, someone left me a comment (which I am flattered that he/she read my post) asking to get my views on an article someone had posted on yahoo. It's entitled "GOD TO SAME-SEXERS: "HURRY UP!""

I have to tell you, I honestly don't follow this guy's logic. He says that God supports the Gay Rights movement so that, I'm speculating here, Bible prophecies will be fulfilled and bring about the end of days told about in the book of Revelations.

After reading his article 3 or 4 times, I came to the realization, this guy seems scared of homosexuals. This is not uncommon. One of the most popular reasons for the anti-gay rights acts, I have heard, is that Christians--kind of lumping all God loving/fearing people into one category here--are afraid of what might happen if homosexuality were to become more public than it is. The main focus is on the children. What would a child think if they saw two men kissing in public or a billboard of two men holding hands. Its all about fear.

Let me put this as plainly as possible. Homosexuality is not a disease. Its not a virus that you might catch by drinking out of the same glass as a gay individual. It's brought about by choice--sorry my homo friends, there are some people out there that first dabble in it to pacify curiosity than realize they like it--or birth--sorry Christians, science has proven that homosexuality can be brought about by irregular chromosome counts.

Homosexuals are people as well. You would never think to make love to your partner in public, why would a homosexual? Homosexuals have as much integrity as heterosexuals.

Fear of gay individuals is just childish. There are plenty of really scary things out there: Islamic Fascism, universal health care, the department of education, Liberals, the list goes on. The gay agenda doesn't even show up on my list.

If you are scared for your children, try talking to them. Educated them on the difference and don't shun them feeling a certain way. It kills me, emotionally, when I hear of gay individuals being shunned by their parents for their life choices. That is just sad.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Using God to Spread Hate

I've said before that while I proclaim myself to be a Christian, I, in no way, support Christian Fundamentalism. For most of America--even those who see themselves as Christians--just flat out don't know that there is a difference. Let's name a few. Fundamentalist believe the planet Earth is only 6000 years old and that God put dinosaur bones here, underground, just to confuse us and keep us guessing. Basically, they take the Bible--a book that has been written by man, translated and re-translated over and over again--to its literal meaning.

"So what does this have to do with 'Using God to Spread Hate'?" Nothing really, I just wanted to clear that up before I started with my main point.

Many people have heard of a man named Fred Phelps. Mr. Phelps is a preacher at Westboro Baptist Church (I think it's in Kansas). Instead of using his pulpit as a soapbox to preach the love and generosity of God, he using it to preach his message of hate.

Mr. Phelps was one of the first preachers to go public with his message that "God hates Fags." And the fact that he preaches it in his church isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that instead of just teaching those that want to listen, he and his followers take the hateful spit to picket not just occasions like the Gay Pride parade. He and his followers take their message of hate to the funerals of AIDS victims. So while the family of the deceased is morning and watching their loved one be buried due to his life choices, this hateful, self named preacher and his disciples of filth are chanting and screaming from a distance slogans like "Burn in Hell, Fag" and "Is it hot enough for you?"

If that isn't bad enough, they show the same spectacle at the funerals of our fallen from the Iraq War. "What?" You better believe it. Mr. Phelps and his followers believe that this war is God's way of punishing this country for its shameful acts of allowing homosexuals to live and operate in our borders. So every soldier's death is a sign from God saying "Stop being gay." Can you find a more selfish, agenda driven man this Mr. Phelps?

For anyone that has read the bible, you know that the only thing Jesus ever taught while he was here on Earth was love. He never showed an ounce of hate towards anyone, even while he was being hung on the cross. How this man can justify God's hate for fags is beyond me, but I do know one thing, this man is a snake. It's people like this trash spewing, Godless preacher that give all good, loving Christians a bad name. To be associated with someone like him makes me want to drop religion all together. It is just plain sick.

Here is a video of Mr. Phelps himself on youtube. I have decided not to post the video because once is enough for me. But here is the link -- Here! Caution, it might make you angry, I know it did for me.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hillary Hypocrisy

Hillary Clinton has got to be the biggest hypocrite and opportunist to ever come about in Washington DC--and that's saying something. Need proof? Happy to help.

Alec Baldwin Threatens 11 year-old Daughter

Original audio from

If you haven't heard it yet, Alec Baldwin--one of the biggest anti-Bush and environmental supporters in Hollywood--left a 2 minute, threatening voice mail on his daughters sell phone. Supposedly, everyday around 11:00, Alec's daughter is supposed to be sitting by her phone waiting for her daddies phone call, so they can talk about whatever celebrities talk about. Apparently, Alec's daughter missed a couple of phone calls, and Mr. Alec Baldwin just won't stand for that. How dare she stand up Alec Baldwin? Pathetic!

Our culture is celebrity driven. There are thousands of magazines, websites, and TV stations dedicated to the spreading of their filth. Journalists like Diane Sawyer and Barbra Walters have made their careers off interviewing celebrities--which include quires about their views on masturbation. Seventy percent of America gets their news from Entertainment Tonight. America is more worried about who's Anne Nicole's baby's daddy, than what is actually happened with the war in Iraq--which it might surprise you to know, the only way most people find out what is happening there is from a celebrity's mouth.

Is it any wonder that other countries find our culture to be stupid? You don't even have to look at our kids standardized tests scores--which are among the lowest in the world--to figure that one out.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Democrats Take Up Enviromentalism

According to the Democratic parties agenda:

"The Democratic Party believes that it is our responsibility to protect America's extraordinary natural resources. The health of our families and the strength of our economy depend on our stewardship of the environment.

We reject the false choice between a healthy economy and a healthy environment. Farming, fishing, tourism, and other industries require a healthy environment. New technologies that protect the environment will create new high-paying jobs. A cleaner environment means a stronger economy."

On the surface this sounds like an incredibly noble statement, if your an uneducated boob that knows nothing about the economy or the environment. The two of those principles, economic concern and environmental concern, do not go hand in hand in the eyes of any hardcore environmentalist.

Environmentalism is one movement that, if you were to track it from the day it started to now, has shifted it's views from the actual certain for the environment to an all out assault on the economy. No matter what the economy does, its never good enough for the environmental movement.

Take the current banning of using plastic bags in grocery stores in the grand ole city of San Fransisco. Plastic bags were put into use in order to save the trees. Now, San Fransisco has banned the use of plastic bags because plastic bags are made from petroleum, and burning petroleum hurts the environment.

Environmentalism hurts the economy. Period.

Now don't look at me and think I just don't care about the future of our planet. I care, but there is nothing wrong with our environment. Our water and food are cleaner and healthier than in was in the past thanks to plants and factories. We have more forestation in the USA than it had when Columbus first came here, because we have 300+ million people to house here. Loggers plant 2 trees for every one they cut down.

Global warming IS NOT HAPPENING! It's based on faulty science. You'd be hard pressed to find an climatologist or scientist (who is not on the democratic payroll) who agrees with this theory.

So not only are the Democrats and Liberals aiding our enemies by refusing to fund our troops and giving them a date when we will be gone, they support an environmental agenda that has no science to back it up and will bring down our economy in the process. Gee, what a bunch of great Americans!

US Attorney Summary

Yesterday, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales went before the Senate Judiciary Committee and gave his testimony were he was torn apart. This is absolutely ridiculous and just screams liberal hypocrisy. This cartoon pretty much sums it up.

Democrats Admit Defeat

I believe myself that the secretary of state, secretary of defense and — you have to make your own decisions as to what the president knows — (know) this war is lost and the surge is not accomplishing anything as indicated by the extreme violence in Iraq yesterday

Senator Harry Reid

There you go straight from the horse's mouth. The Democrats in congress believe the war is a lost cause.

Now in any war, there are always two forces. Since this is the War on Terror, sparked from the events of Sept. 11, 2001 in case you forgot, liberals sure as hell have, the enemy is the terrorists organizations of Islamic Fascism. The Democrats have admitted that they want the terrorists to win.

"Oh come on! They don't want terrorists to win!" Oh really?

Democrats have been in office since January '07. Name for me how many bills they have pushed through to the president. One! One bill that not only gave the money the troops needed for their continued fight, but also a pull out date and the biggest tax increase in American history to cover the expenses of the pork barrel spending they needed to buy the votes just to get it to the presidents desk. After a warning from the president that he would never sign a bill that would specify a pull out date, they pushed it anyway, and the president stayed true to his word. He vetoed it.

In the midst of all this political struggle, our troops are in a foreign country starving for the funds they need to fight this war. It's the Democrat's play. The president is waiting on a bill that will give the money to our troops, and they have yet to sit down and come up with one. The Democrats are, through a slide of hand, defunding our troops. They are leaving them in Iraq without the funds they need. Why?

trai·tor (trā'tər) Pronunciation Key
n. One who betrays one's country, a cause, or a trust, especially one who commits treason.

Democrats are Traitors. They are embolding our enemy by saying we have lost and by trying to give them a date of when we will leave Iraq and Israel defenseless, and holding our troops back by defunding them. THEY ARE TRAITORS!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

NBC - A Portrait of Self Interest

Current events have to start somewhere. So I guess I'll just start it here.

In the recent days a tragedy has befallen the Virginia Tech campus, and unless you have been living under a rock, I'm sure you know about it. A deeply disturbed student masterminded and killed 32 students on 4/16/07.

The act itself has many stories in of itself, but the one part I want to talk about right now is NBC's recent reception of a package from the killer. Inside this package were photos, video and audio tapes from the disturbed student telling his story and giving a confession/suicide note for why he did what he did.

Upon receiving this package (which had the killer's name as the return address on the envelope), did NBC decide to call the police and turn the evidence over to them? Of course they did, but not before opening the package and making copies of all the material. To make matters worse, they didn't see an opportunity to help out the police in the investigation of these murders, they saw an opportunity for themselves.

Probably within minutes of receiving the information, this stuff was all over the air. Video was this mad man spitting his unjustified hatred for the rich and their debauchery. NBC has helped this sick, sick individual seal his fame.

I find this very cynical for several reasons. Let's start with the fact that NBC (a liberal media outlet) has used this tragedy to promote their gun-control agenda, stating, of course, that if guns were illegal, none of this would have happened. Stepping away from the current issue, at the end of most mass murders, there are usually those to try to mock the murderer by reenacting his murders. These are known as copy-cat killers. NBC has just set the ground for any copy cat killers that might come about. If any decides to copy this killer, they only need to turn on the news (its being played everywhere), and when that happens, those murders can not be blamed on the guns that committed the crime (blaming the weapon? Ridiculous isn't it?). NBC will be the culprit.

Let's not forget the fact if Foxs News (a conservative news network) would have been the lucky (or unlucky, depends on how you look at it) news station to get their hands on the package, NBC and MSNBC would have been at the front to condemn them for showing and distributing this trash. Hypocritical maybe? You'll find that a lot with liberals.

The best thing about all this is the victims are not taking this lightly. They have canceled interviews with NBC for the showing of this sick bastards tapes on the air. NBC has apologized atrocity, but don't be taken about. They did it to cover themselves, not because they care.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My General Stance

I figure, before you get too far into my blog, that I should probably state my stance on everything. I would best be described as a Libertarian. In case you don't know, Libertarians are basically conservatives that believe that our bodies are our own, and no laws to be in place that dictate would I or anyone else should do with our body provided we do not infringe on anyone else's three basic rights--life, liberty, and property.

Conservatives (Republicans), I can stand. As a matter of fact, I highly enjoy two extremely conservative new talk radio host, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. My only beef with conservatives is their idea of making their religious (I am a Christian btw, but I am not a fundamentalist) believes law. There should be a strict separation of church and state. But, they do believe that government's power should be limited and that most of the problems individuals and society face are best solved by the individual and society. Too much government will only screw things up.

Liberals (currently the Democratic party, but they weren't always this way), I can not stand. Liberals and the media that pushes their agenda so enthusiastically are part of the reason the country is the way it is. They promote group think and victimize people based on their race/sex/sexual orientation. They also see America as an evil place that houses insensitive people that are too stupid to live with the freedoms they have. They believe that America's best hope is for everyone to hold hands, sing "Cum By Ya" while the government takes care of what really matters, meaning your health care, your money, your retirement... basically your life. I'm going to stop there because I can make an entire essay on Liberals and their agenda (I might have to do that). For more information, read "The Terrible Truth About Liberals" by Neal Boortz. It's only 160 pages of a very small book with very large print, took me 3 days to read it. Don't be scared.

Who do I vote for? Republicans. Because they are the lesser (much much much lesser) of the two evils, and putting their overall stance aside, we agree on everything.

Why not vote Libertarian? Because while I believe the Libertarian (can't say libs, that the term for Liberals) because even though they have their own political party, they can't seem to put together a decent campaign against the two opposing super parties. How are they going to run the country? I'm waiting for them to get their act together.


"Why do you have this blog?"

Since my enrollment in school, my brain has gone into overdrive. I must be going through a mental growth spurt because I have been soaking up all the knowledge I can. In the past few months I have read close to 10 books. Most of those books have been, dare I say, based on politics. I never thought I would say this, but American politics is a subject that interests me the most.

"OMG! How boring!", your thinking.

My response to this? How can you not be interested in politics? These government officials we vote in decide how much money is taken out of your paycheck; the condition of the schools your children will go to; they protect you locally and nationally; they say what you can and can't do with your body; they dictate the future of our health care system; they dictate whether or not something is legal or illegal; they even go as far as to tell you how to live your life. If you are not interested in politics, than you obviously don't care about your present or your future.

A harsh statement? Maybe.

"So, why the blog? Meany..."

Throughout my study of politics, there is one major factor I keep coming across, our country is messed up. Our country was once a place of prideful, hard working people. That pride is gone. We are a country of people that either do nothing but verbally bash both our country and our fellow citizens, or frankly, just don't give a damn.

This blog is two things for me. It's first an outlet. I need a place to share what frustrates me with this country and its people so that I will stop bringing it up in casual conversation with my friends and family (I know they are tired of it). Second, it's for you. You need to know what is going on, and even though you might not feel the need to open a political book or turn on a news channel, I hope that you might check this blog, read what's here and create an opinion about what's going on in Washington and act!

It's time to WAKE UP, AMERICA!