Sunday, June 3, 2007

Now That It Effects Them

While President Bush and pro-amnesty members of Congress are pushing an unpopular immigration “reform” bill that would bestow American citizenship on millions of people who have no regard for America’s laws, liberal Democrats across the Washington region are increasingly complaining about overcrowded houses, noise, loitering and general public nuisance — all caused by illegal aliens...

Listening recently to frustrated folks call a local radio talk show to vent about illegal aliens loitering in front of stores and cramming into $400,000 houses in their neighborhoods, I wondered if those same liberals accused pro-enforcement Americans of being “nativists,” “xenophobes” and “racists” for complaining about the same problems.

Now that illegal aliens have migrated to their neighborhoods, such liberals have become pro-enforcement all of a sudden. Source

Yep, just as I thought. Now that this effects liberals in their own neighborhoods, they suddenly see a problem with illegal immigration. I guess the liberal definition of diversity is "its okay, as long as it doesn't effect me."

Shocking? Nothing shocks me about libs anymore.

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